Modular EVM layer for cross-chain applications.

[What is AppLayer™]

Designed to revolutionise application interactions across different blockchains.

  • At its core, AppLayer provides a toolkit for developers to build and manage applications that operate on multiple blockchains seamlessly

  • Provides scalable tooling for GameFi and DeFi, where cross-chain functionality can unlock new levels of efficiency and user engagement.

[ Gaming ]

[ DeFi ]

Faster execution times, easy scalability, and the ability to create more complex applications without technical challenges associated with blockchain development.

[What is AppLayer™]

Overcome limitations.

Developers and businesses

Build on AppLayer and earn $APPL

Up to $50,000 in incentives

Validators & Stakers

Join our network of validators and earn $APPL

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$APPL Staked: N/A

$APPL Earned: N/A

Build for Web3

Deploy your own Smart Contracts in Solidity & C++

Build for GameFi

Create Web3 games with one-click integrations (coming soon)

Scale your application

Launch your own AppLayer

[What is AppLayer™]

Modular Execution

AppLayer's modular execution enables developers to infinitely scale EVM based applications.


Stateful Pre-compiles

C++ Stateful Pre-compiles execute 65* times faster than leading EVM networks.


Chain Abstraction

Connect to everything in Web3 with one account.



AppLayer’s infrastructure is capable of over 400,000 TPS, and can execute smart contracts in 3.2μs*.

Execution times were benchmarked for ERC-721 mints with native randomness in a live network test.

Native Layer For Games

Build fully on-chain games without any limitations or compromises. AppLayer provides game developers a blank canvas to deploy game logic completely on-chain.

FEELESS on-chain game actions
GAME data
instant finality
decentralised multiplayer
game specific smart contracts
connect to any chain

Native Layer For Games

Build fully on-chain games without any limitations or compromises. AppLayer provides game developers a blank canvas to deploy game logic completely on-chain.

Low Code to No-Code

Natively integrated plugins for your favorite game engines, to build Web3 games with ease

Server-Side Replacement

Replace centralized servers for a robust distributed game network your community powers.

Instant Finality

Process in-game transactions seamlessly without high costs or wait times.

Complex In-Game Computations

Execute custom game logic on-chain without any bottlenecks or compromises.